August 25, 2023
Diary Entry: November 6, 1927 One who lives in the Divine Will doesnot descend from her origin, and toher is...
Father Gabriel Barrera discusses Volume 23 from the writings of the Servant of God Luisa Piccarreta
Diary Entry: November 6, 1927 One who lives in the Divine Will doesnot descend from her origin, and toher is...
Diary Entry: November 2, 1927Difference between one who livesand operates in the Divine Will, andone who does good in the...
Diary Entry: October 30, 1927 How the Divine Love gushed out inCreation. Liberality andmagnificence of God in creating themachine of...
Diary Entry: October 23, 2023 The little girl. How the Divine Will isKingdom of Life. Necessity of theknowledges about It....
Diary Entry: October 20, 1927 How created powers can neither embrace nor exhaust the Uncreated Power; not even the Virgin...
Diary Entry: October 16, 1927How the Divine Will, like water,makes Its inundations. Who theones are who let themselves beinundated. What...
Diary Entry: October 6, 1927 How one who works in the DivineWill works in the Divine properties.How she forms the...
Diary Entry: October 6, 1927 How one who works in the Divine Will works in the Divine properties. How she...
Diary Entry: October 2, 1927 How Adam was the holiest one before he sinned. Fullness and totality of goods of...
Diary Entry: September 28, 1927 How in the Divine Will there can not be imperfections and one must enter in...